Many otherwise caring dog owners seem to ignore the risks to their pets when our weather gets hot. High temperatures don’t just make them uncomfortable…it can end up costing you a trip to the vet – or death to your dog.
Dogs who are forced to live outside in the South have no quality of life at all. Aside from their strong need for companionship and social interaction, a hot backyard is nothing short of animal cruelty. Your dog craves not only the love of his family and home but deserves to have a comfortable environment in which to live. That means INSIDE.
You may enjoy running in every kind of weather, but common sense should tell you that forcing your dog to run with you is cruel. If he could speak he’d surely say “Please! Leave me inside in the air conditioning!” And that goes for music festivals, arts and crafts shows, and other outside summer events meant for people.
Walking in the heat of the day may be manageable for you, but you’re not barefoot and covered in fur. Dog pads can and will suffer severe burns and heatstroke can kill. Save your dog’s walks for early morning and late in the evening when the pavement has cooled down and the sun won’t burn. And bring enough water for you AND your pooch.
And NEVER take your dog with you in the car while running errands. It takes only a few minutes inside a car in the summer (or even spring and fall here) for the temperatures to rise. You may think that quick trip in and out of the store won’t hurt your pup who’s waiting for you in the car but you would be wrong.
Remember that overweight pets and short-nosed dog breeds have higher risk of problems with warm-weather exercise and should never be forced to be outside when it’s hot.
Your dog has so much love to give you and they ask for so little in return. Give them the kindness of comfort and safety, especially in the summer months
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