We are about to place an order for memorial bricks. If you would like to order a brick with this batch, please complete the order form and get your order in by July 15.
It will probably be several months before we order again. If it is for a memorial, gift or honorarium we will send a letter to the recipient. Bricks make a great gift for birthdays, graduation, or as a remembrance. We have more information on the bricks on our website or email [email protected] and we will send you the order form.
For a gift that really does keep on giving — honor or memorialize a friend, family, relative or beloved pet with a beautiful, permanently engraved brick to place in our memorial garden, keep yourself or give away.
The family of late Air Force Colonel Ira V. Matthews donated a fountain and pergola to the Memorial Garden in his memory. To accommodate the beautiful water feature, the Mobile SPCA and the family are reconfigured and enlarged the existing memorial brick garden.
This expansion gave the Mobile SPCA supporters another opportunity to purchase memorial bricks.
If you would like to purchase one brick or many, fill out the information on the order form and send it along with your check or credit card information to the Mobile SPCA office.
If you would like to send a brick as a gift, a permanent memorial or honorarium for someone special, we will send a letter and a certificate acknowledging your memorial or honorarium to each brick recipient with the inscription you have chosen. If you like, the recipient can write their own inscription.
Our beautifully engraved bricks are 4” x 8”. Each brick can have up to 3 lines of type with 14 characters per line. The first brick is just $50 and each additional brick is $40.
Please call the Mobile SPCA at (251) 633-3531 for more information.