Every single person whose pet is missing is either grateful for their forethought or grieving for their imprudence. Because every pet either carries with him the identification that can bring him home…or not. A lost pet that is not microchipped is a pet with far fewer chances of ever being reunited with the family he loves.
Look at your pet beside you right now and imagine this scenario: imagine that somehow he becomes lost and is now wandering in unfamiliar places, wanting only to return home. Now imagine that eventually a kind person gains your pet’s trust and is able to do what most finders of lost pets know needs to be done – he takes your pet to be scanned for a microchip…and one is found. Your pet is coming home! Imagine the joy when you hear the news! Imagine the joy on your pet’s face when he sees you!
Now imagine a different story. Your pet is found and scanned but alas, no chip is located. The finder is unable to keep him for countless reasons so he may take him to a shelter…or if lucky, a rescue group will find him a new home. If unlucky, the finder may set him free or give him away. With no identification, you may never see your pet again nor will he ever know the love and companionship he shared for so long with you.
All because of a $25 microchip.
We spend money on quality food, on treats and toys and sweaters and everything imaginable because our pets mean that much to us. But do they mean enough to have them microchipped? Only you can make that decision. Your pet hopes you make the right one.
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