This morning’s dog and puppy transport was a great day for homeless animals in our area. The Mobile SPCA shared our transport with the City of Mobile Animal Services, Mobile County Animal Shelter, and Baldwin County Animal Shelter – a coalition of great partners working hard for local pets. We are, as always, extremely grateful to the ASPCA who funds and coordinates these flight and to our destination shelters in Pennsylvania and Delaware for finding these 71 southern dogs the best homes ever.
Each shelter has a team of people — staff and volunteers — that make this happen. We are so appreciative of everyone that gets up in the wee hours of the morning to get these animals to the plane and on their way.
Getting these dogs and puppies ready for transport takes days of work and a lot of people before and on the day of transport – assembling crates, creating paperwork, finalizing vet records, giving baths, cleaning ears and clipping nails, loading at the shelter, moving into flights crates, zip tying crates, loading again, and finally unloading at the airport and one last time onto the plane! Each shelter this morning brought lots of help and everyone really pitched in to help. It’s so uplifting when a bevy of animal lovers from multiple shelters are united for the greater good!
While it may take us months and months to find the pets a home here, the adopter pool up north is so large they will all find homes, in most cases, the day they arrive, but certainly shortly after the mandatory state quarantine period. And most will never set foot in a shelter again.
Shelters up north don’t have puppies like we do in south Alabama because their spay/neuter laws are very strict, their breeding season is very short, and, because of the weather, they don’t have stray dogs randomly breeding. We are so fortunate to send puppies up north. It’s a win/win!
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