We don’t need to tell you, this has been a really tough year. We’d like to thank everyone who supported us as we struggled to carry out our mission in this historic time.
Whether you donated money or volunteered your time or adopted one of our fabulous pets, thank you. None of what we do here would be possible without your support.
We all need some good news, so we can share that even though it’s been tough at times, we are on track to accept 1,704 animals into our adoption and transport programs this year – almost as many companion animals as last. Those numbers include 1,079 dogs and puppies and 625 cats and kittens.
We have been able to pull over 500 dogs and puppies, cat and kittens from City, County, Prichard and Baldwin County shelters and intake almost 1,200 more from the public. Because of your support, we have been able to get these homeless and abandoned pets out of harm’s way and into our care where they are kept safe and treated with kindness and compassion until they are ready to be adopted or transported up north. More good news is that cat adoptions are up! Lots of you needed a lock down buddy who did not need to social distance and our great cats were just the ticket.
Now the not so good news. Donation revenue is down over $24,000 or -44%; our Second Chance Resale store revenue is down $11,000 (-52%); the Semi-Annual Rummage Sale is down over $7,000 (-29%); Fish Fry was not held this year with a total loss of approximately $6,000; bequests, legacies and grants also have suffered a loss of $80K (-33%); and, adoption income is also in deficit this year by $22,466 (-46%). We were extremely fortunate to have been awarded a very limited spay/neuter grant from PetSmart Charities allowing us to spearhead a targeted spay/neuter program in South Mobile County. We have been able to alter 2,814 dogs and cats in Mobile County this year. While these surgeries have prevented the birth of hundreds of unwanted cats and dogs in Mobile County, breeding continued on during the lock down. As I am writing this today we have 4 nursing mama dogs in our care with a total of 39 puppies! And every day we get another call from someone with a litter of puppies or kittens that need our help. Even with the receipt of our third annual grant from PetSmart Charities the need for spay-neuter assistance is growing. We continue to offer our Mobile SPCA-funded $10 off coupons on spay/neuter surgeries and work with our veterinarian partners to offer deserving families lower cost surgeries. Demand has been overwhelming in 2020 – over $19,000 this year, a $6,000 jump from 2019!
The number of animals that still need to be rescued from horrible conditions remains high. I could give you example after example of the dogs and cats your donations helped this year. There are almost 2,000 of them — some happy, some sad, some tragic — but almost all have a happy ending.
Our volunteers continue to be indispensable, stepping up in so many different ways; their help is limitless and invaluable! If you follow us on social media or get our e-newsletter, you know how dedicated our staff and volunteers are. I cannot thank our staff enough! Our staff has stepped up, protected each other and cared for our animals with dedication to cause and mission.
We cannot accomplish our life-saving work or continue our mission — to provide shelter, food, and medical care to the animals entrusted to us, promote adoptions and transport, assist with spay and neuter and educate people on responsible pet ownership — without your help. With donations and revenue down and intakes remaining the same, we need your support more than ever!
We were able to get a couple Covid-related grants to help get us through but competition for those grants has been fierce. We receive no government funding, operating solely on donations, grants and fundraising. We are not a branch of the ASPCA, HSUS or any other national organization and receive no financial assistance from them for day-to-day expenses. For 135 years the Mobile SPCA has been an advocate for Mobile’s homeless pets. As a private nonprofit we are completely reliant on donations to operate, and we need your help.
Please donate today so we can continue to save lives next year. Your gift is tax deductible and will help us give our community’s homeless animals a start on a new life in a loving home. We sincerely appreciate your donation.
Donate with confidence! 82¢ out of each dollar goes directly to helping the animals.
The Mobile SPCA is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to provide compassionate care, shelter, food, and medical attention to the animals entrusted to us while promoting adoptions, transport, spay/neuter initiatives, responsible pet ownership and education.
Because adoption fees only cover a small portion of the overall Mobile SPCA budget (about 11 percent), contributions from private donors make it possible for us to provide the medical care that pets require before becoming available for adoption or transport. We do not receive any funds from the city, state or federal governments. We are not affiliated with any national group. We are not a chapter of the ASPCA. We do not receive general funding from the ASPCA, AMA or Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and are in no way supported financially by any other organization, locally or nationally. If you contribute to a national humane organization, including HSUS, AMA and ASPCA, you are not contributing to the Mobile SPCA. Our operating funds come primarily from contributions from our generous donors.
Please donate today so we can continue to save lives next year. Your gift is tax deductible and will help us give our community’s homeless animals a start on a new life in a loving home. We sincerely appreciate your donation.
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